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Victorian Long Term Watering Objectives - Fish

Key drivers


Basin wide -  Murray Darling Basin Plan, Environmental Watering Strategies and Plans

Victorian -  Water for Victoria, State and CMA Waterway Strategies, Regional Waterway and Coastal Management Strategies, protecting Victroia's Biodiversity 2037, Target One Million



Improve abundance
of large bodied fish

Improve habitat
for native fish

Improve abundance
of small bodied fish

Improve movement
of native fish

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Protect, maintain and improve the condition and function of
river channels

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Protect, maintain and improve the condition and function of wetlands and floodplains

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Protect, maintain and improve the condition and function of
riparian zones

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Protect maintain and improve the condition and function
of estuaries

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Protect, maintain and improve the status and condition of aquatic species and communities

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Use water for the environment efficiently and effectively towards positive outcomes